Silver Sea Seafoods adalah bisnis keluarga yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh Australia, berbasis di Mooloolaba di Sunshine Coast yang indah. Makanan laut kami bersumber dari perairan yang murni dan dikelola secara berkelanjutan di lepas Pantai Tenggara Queensland. Kami mengkhususkan diri dalam menyediakan udang kualitas premium, tangkapan liar dan snap beku di laut, hingga eceran; restoran; dan pasar grosir langsung, di Australia dan Internasional sepanjang tahun. Kami 25 tahun berkecimpung dalam industri makanan laut, dan ahli dalam menyiapkan makanan laut dengan standar kualitas yang tepat untuk memenuhi permintaan berbagai pelanggan.
Produk ditangkap, dikemas, dan dibekukan pada suhu -40 derajat saat di atas kapal di laut. Proses ini mengunci kesegaran dan rasa udang, mempertahankan keadaan aslinya. Kami menggunakan state of the art, cold storage, pengangkut barang untuk memberikan produk terbaik langsung kepada Anda, menggunakan proses transportasi satu langkah.

The prawn fishery in Mooloolaba 'historically dubbed, home of the Mooloolaba Prawn' is renowned for its premium Eastern King Prawns, which are wild caught using sustainable demersal otter trawling methods. The fishery is a part of the broader East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery, and the Kelana leaves its port of Mooloolaba to source prawns from the 'Southern Offshore' region.
The 'Melicertus Plebejus' Eastern King Prawn is caught year-round, in depths of up to 200 metres with its peak season being May-July.

Managing Director
Jacky, the managing director of Silver Sea Seafoods, brings a personal touch to every aspect of the business that doesn't involve being on the water. Alongside Allan from the purchase of their first vessel and his years as a deckhand, Jacky draws from her extensive background in travel, sales, and marketing to shape the company. She is passionate about small family businesses achieving the same level of service and professionalism as big corporations and she is passionate about the Eastern King Prawn, their fishery and Silver Sea's products. Jacky personally handles all invoicing, sales, logistics, and marketing inquiries, ensuring a one-stop-shop experience for customers. She is also responsible for all product design and creation, bringing her vision to life in every product Silver Sea Seafoods offers.

The crew aboard the Kelana battle the elements year-round, heading to sea in all conditions—rain, wind, or sunshine. Except for October, they spend 20 to 27 days each month on the water, ensuring they catch and deliver only the highest quality King Prawns.
With their vessel fully fuelled and stocked with enough food to sustain three grown men for a month, they maintain the boat, catch the prawns and live onboard during this time.
The boys have been fishing their whole lives, their passion for fishing goes beyond it being just a job, it's a lifestyle. Being on the water provides them a unique connection to the ocean that very few professions offer.